
Regency England Painting HeyerAfter a rather dry spell, Major Stafford’s Lady, book #3 in the Rothwell series is well under way.  Because it is a bit different from the other two, I sometimes need to take a break from writing it.  What do I do then?  I re-read what I’ve written so I don’t lose the ‘feel’ of the story.  One thing I love is the abrasive relationship that Robert Rothwell, Lord Tenbury has with his younger brother Edward.  It is rather like the relationship of Siegfried Farnon and Tristan Farnon in the James Herriott books.  The scene I wrote for them in book # 3 still makes me laugh.  I suppose that is kind of weird…to create a scene and then read it as if I didn’t write it.  Odd, but that’s how it goes.  I think I am about half way through the book now, or perhaps a bit more.

Writer’s Block

Two horrible words–writer’s block!  I am now stuck after dashing off about 20+ pages of novel # 3.  I do not like what I’m writing.  It doesn’t have the right ‘feel’.  How do I know that?  I go back and read novel # 1 and novel #2!  So I am going to stop for a few days.  Then, I will probably re-read everything I’ve written in novel #3 to get back in the groove, so to speak.  I need to reconnect with the theme of the book and then, hopefully, the ideas will flow again.  The general outline is there but the actual text is not to my satisfaction.  To be continued!

The Rothwells

Jane’s story is rapidly morphing into a story about more than just her romance with Major Tom Stafford.  The Rothwells intrigue me.  There are long passages of the book dealing with the relationship between Robert and Edward (always fun to write) and the relationship between Jane and Harriet.  Still, it is basically a romance and that will come through.  This is the most challenging book to write because there is an arc with Jane’s story and her brother Robert’s.  Charlotte and Will must eventually appear.  It will be interesting to see what they ‘tell’ me to write when that time comes!stage coach

Novel # 3

th.weddingWell I am busy on novel # 3, Jane’s story.  The Rothwells are really a delight to write about.  Each one has his/her own distinct personality and frankly if Jane was alive today I think she might be diagnosed as slightly ADD.  She cannot behave exactly the way a proper Regency lady was expected to behave, although she would desperately like to.  Her family, especially her mama, is in despair.  She has reached the ripe old age of 23 and is still unmarried.  How can she compete against the 18 year olds who will make their come out this Season?  And on top of everything, she has decided she will not marry at all unless it is a love match!  Though the male members of the ton cannot see it, her worth is recognized by a handsome, though non- aristocratic major named Thomas Stafford.  Fun!!!